PediaSure® Grow & Gain

Complete, Balanced Nutrition®

PediaSure Grow & Gain is clinically proven* nutrition to help kids grow, and is a nutritious supplement for kids falling behind on growth.1,2,3,4,5 May be used as the sole source of nutrition or as a supplement. Formulated for oral feeding; may also be tube fed. 

PediaSure® Grow & Gain with Fiber

Complete, Balanced Nutrition®

PediaSure Grow & Gain with Fiber is a source of complete, balanced nutrition especially designed for children 1 to 13 years of age. May be used as the sole source of nutrition or as a supplement. Formulated for oral feeding; may also be tube fed. 

PediaSure SideKicks®

Nutrition support for an uneven diet

All the nutrition of base PediaSure® with fewer calories and less fat.* For oral use for children requiring a lower calorie supplement. For tube feeding for children requiring a lower calorie complete feeding. 

* 35% less calories (150 vs 240) and 40% less fat (5 vs 9 g) for PediaSure SideKicks vs base PediaSure per 8-fl-oz serving. 

PediaSure Grow & Gain Shake Mix®

PediaSure Grow & Gain Shake Mix provides a source of complete, balanced nutrition when mixed with milk; for children 2 to 13 years of age.